Recommendation Ten
BC Food Connection does offer support with co-packer listings. However, most small scale processors indicated they are still having difficulty sourcing co-packers who have capacity either through BC Food Connection or through trying to source co-packing capacity on their own. Exploration of a Co-Packing Assistance program to provide guidance, support, and incentives for processors seeking to collaborate with co-packing facilities may be beneficial for the small scale food processor sector. Facilitating access to co-packing resources, promoting industry collaboration, and overcoming barriers to market expansion may empower small scale processors to scale their production, enhance their competitiveness, and achieve long-term success within the food and beverage sector.
With limited or no access to co-packing services, small scale processors may be struggling with options to scale production, meet fluctuating demand, and diversify their product lines. This limited co-packer capacity may be limiting the small scale food processors ability to produce goods efficiently and cost-effectively, which may also impact their competitiveness and growth prospects within the food and beverage processing sector.