Application for Processor Member Constituency

Your Name
Organization represented

Annual Revenue
under $500,000
$500,000 or over
Postal Code
E-mail address
Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:
CVV2 Number (on back):
Credit Card Expiry (mm/yy):  

Annual Membership Fee is $175.00 + 5% GST for companies with less than $500k in gross revenues and $400.00 + 5% GST for companies with greater than $500k in gross revenues.
If you have more than 25 FTE you are encouraged to join as a supporter member.
SSFPA bylaws require that a member organization notify the Board of Directors in writing of the name of its delegate, who will be vested with the voting rights of the organization. The list of voters for the Annual General Meeting will close following the board meeting prior to the AGM.

I do hereby authorize the Small Scale Food Processor Association to list my Company Name and contact info on their web-site located at

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