Programs and Initiatives

Empowering Growth and Innovation

The Small Scale Food Processor Association (SSFPA) is dedicated to fostering success and innovation within Canada’s food processing industry. Our range of programs and initiatives are designed to support, educate, and empower our members in various aspects of their business journey. Discover how each program can contribute to your growth.

Venture-Capital Ready

Unlock Venture Capital Opportunities

Tailored for women in the agri-food sector, this program equips you with the tools and knowledge to attract venture capital investment. Through our Investoready© Program and SVX’s Pitch Parties, prepare to showcase your business to potential investors and take your business to new heights.

Women’s Initiative

Strengthening Women’s Entrepreneurship in Food Processing

Backed by Women and Gender Equality Canada, this multifaceted initiative aims to address unique challenges faced by women food processors. From policy research to dedicated resources and networking, we’re here to support the growth and resilience of women entrepreneurs in the industry.

Buy BC Food & Drink

Showcase Your Products in Our Exclusive Marketplace

Our Buy BC Food & Drink platform connects your locally-produced food and beverages with consumers eager to support local businesses. Participate to enhance your visibility, contribute to food security, and tap into a community that values high-quality, local produce.

Resources for BC Food Hubs

Empower Your Food Hub

Developed in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, this initiative supports the burgeoning food hub movement in British Columbia. From management insights to accessing state-of-the-art facilities and technology, our resources are designed to spur growth, innovation, and commercial success within the BC food and beverage sector.

Past Initiatives

Highlighting Our Legacy of Innovative Projects

Advanced Payments Plan

Administered by SSFPA from 2011 until the 2023-2024 program year, this federal program supported Canadian producers with interest-free benefits and low-interest rates, enhancing financial stability for our members. Administration has now transitioned to the Agricultural Credit Corporation to continue supporting our community effectively.

Food Safety Planning Portal

Created in 2013, this now archival website provides comprehensive resources to develop and maintain a robust food safety management plan. From navigating regulatory standards to implementing best practices in HACCP and traceability, our portal is your go-to guide for ensuring the utmost confidence in your products.

Ready to jump into a future program? Join the SSFPA today to stay informed of upcoming projects aimed at growing your business.