Processor member constituency
Your Name
Organization represented
E-mail address |
Website |
Product & Service (attach any relevant brochures/websites) |
Number of Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) employees |
Additional Information to help the SSFPA identify the importance of the small-scale food processing sector. |
Are you– |
NO |
Interested in increasing sales? |
Interested in increasing the number of employees? |
Interested in increasing your profit? |
Interested in increasing the diversity of your products? |
Owner operated? |
Are your estimated total sales |
under $10,000 X |
between $10,000 and $50,000 X |
over $50,000 X |
Annual SSFPA processor membership fees are $50.00 per year
SSFPA bylaws require that a member organization notify the board of directors in writing of the name of its delegate,
who will be vested with the voting rights of the organization.
The list of voters for the Annual General Meeting will close following the board meeting prior to the AGM.