Most of these items have been converted to a PDF format and can be easily printed. To view them, you will need to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
General Documents
The Food Processor Sectoral Consultation Event in Richmond, BC (April 6 and 7, 2001) brought together growers; processors; technical assistance providers in business, food production and food safety; financiers; and provincial and federal government representatives. They discussed the issues, challenges, barriers, and opportunities in the agriculture and agri-food sectors in BC. This is the outcome report from that event. File size: 151 KB.
Flexible Marketing/Manufacturing Network. The graphics in this report (presented at the Field to Table workshops described in our Sound Bites publications) illustrate the proposed SSFPA flexible marketing/manufacturing network. These shared services can lower processors’ costs, increase sales prices, and expand volumes sold. This is a visual presentation of the possibilities. File size: 475 KB.
Summary of Requested Products and Services. Since 2001, the SSFPA has undertaken various studies to discover the needs of small-scale food processors to assist them in meeting their business goals. This summary has become the basis for further planning by the SSFPA. File size: 385 KB.
Small Scale Food Processor Association Market Scoping Project: Executive Summary. The Market Scoping Project (MSP), compiled during July-August, 2002, was developed to: (1) answer small-scale food processors’ questions on marketing techniques that their peers are using; and (2) to understand what the market requires if processors want to grow to commerical volumes and beyond. The MSP also made recommendations to the SSFPA membership and Board of Directors regarding issues that can be developed best by the SSFPA representing processors and connecting individual processors, growers, and consumers wtih flexible marketing networks. File size: 140 KB.
Small Scale Food Processor Association Market Scoping Project: Full Report. For its description, see the item above. File size: 1,000 KB or 1 Megabyte (MB).
Value-Added Agriculture: A Senate Report. The Senate’s Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry met during 2003-2004 to discuss the importance of adding value to Canada’s agricultural products. The Committee’s report encourages assistance to the organic sector and to farmer-owned processing enterprises, including co-operatives.
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Nutritional Labelling “Questions and Answers.” A concise summary of many questions concerning Health Canada’s new (2003) Nutritional Labelling requirements. File size: 168 KB.
Nutritional Labelling Presentation. This power point presentation was given by Health Canada’s Lance Hill during SSFPA’s Regional Consultation Meeting in Victoria, BC on June 9, 2003. File size: 2,322 KB or 2.3 MB (quite large file).
“Beneath the Trees: Opportunities in Non-Timber Forest Products.” Tim Brigham gave this presentation at the Symposium on Non-Timber Forests and Small Scale Food Processing reported on in Sound Bites, Volume 2, Issue 12. File size: 24 MB (warning: huge file – but with many nice nature photos!).
Sound Bites Publications
Note: Sound Bites is a newsletter which is published after SSPFA membership meetings, conferences, and workshops. It is published several times per year on an “as needed” basis. Sound Bites is a valuable primary source for information on SSFPA activities, past and present.
Volume 1, Issue 1. November 10, 2002. Covers the first AGM; various reports; and SSFPA Vision, Mission, and Values. File size: 432 Kilobytes (KB).
Volume 1, Issue 2. December 2, 2002. Living Inventory Overview. File size: 395 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 1. January 10, 2003. Snapshot of the Small Scale Food Processor Association. Strategy developed to date. SSFPA Vision. Current activities. What does the SSFPA bring to the community?
Volume 2, Issue 2. January 10, 2003. A Thought for Food. File size: 50 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 3. January 21, 2003. AFIF Margins Software review. File size: 37 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 4. March 5, 2003. Photos and brief introductions of board of directors. File size: 197 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 5. Report on Lillooet, BC Field to Table Workshop of February 10-11, 2003, hosted by Lillooet Learns at the Fountainview Academy. File Size 630 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 6. Report on Mission, BC Field to Table Workshop of March 7-8, 2003, hosted by Community Futures Development Corporation of South Fraser, in partnership with the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets. File size: 627 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 7. Report on Victoria, BC Field to Table Workshop of January 21-22, 2003 in partnership with LifeCycles Victoria. File size: 579 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 8. Report on Peace Field to Table Workshop (held in Rycroft, Alberta) of January 16-17, 2003. This event was organized in partnership with the Peace Value Added Food and Agriculture Association which had an office in Dawson Creek, BC. File size: 686 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 9. June 9, 2003 Victoria Regional Consultation Report. The SSFPA is committed to the development of regional capacity to support small-scale food processors and producers. Events around the province of BC have been held in partnership with local groups (see Sound Bites issues 5-8). To follow up from the Field to Table meeting held in Victoria on January 21-22, SSFPA staff (Mary Murphy) and students (Clare Yazganoglu and Maria Stefanyk) conducted outreach calls and visits. This is their report of the meeting resulting from that process. File size: 536 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 10. Access to Finance Report, June, 2003. The SSFPA organized and facilitated the Access to Finance meeting held at VanCity Credit Union head office in Vancouver on June 11, 2003. The purpose of the meeting was for participants to gain insight on how to overcome access to finance problems for small-scale producers/processors. This is the report from that meeting. File size: 371 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 11. Creating Regional Food Economies, June 13, 2003. “Co-operation and the Small Producer: Creating Regional Food Economies” presentation gave SSFPA a strategic opportunity to put forward its vision for small and regionally-based food economies. And, just as importantly, it enabled a large, diverse, and motivated group to learn about this goal and discuss how it can be developed. This is a report on that workshop. File size: 251 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 12. Non-Timber Forest Products and Small-Scale Food Processing. The West Coast Learning Network and the Bamfield [BC] Huu-ay-aht Community Forest Society sponsored a three-day symposium (May 29-31, 2003) on non-timber forest products and small-scale food processing business opportunities for Bamfield residents. File size: 859 KB.
Volume 2, Issue 15. Seeds for Survival Rural Seminar. BC Women’s Farm Network, Valemont, BC, Oct. 3-5, 2003. Saving the family farm and the agricultural lifestyle was the focus of this conference, facilitated by SSFPA Co-ordinator Frank Moreland and his partner, Sandra Mark. Themes of the conference included: local processing of beef and other products; stemming rural population decline; and dealing with the special issues of farm women. File size: 535 KB.
Volume 3, Issue 1. First Ever (That We Know About) Electronic AGM. SSFPA held this ground-breaking annual general meeting on February 8-14, 2004. Learn how it was done and what its outcomes were. File size: 626 KB.
Volume 3, Issue 2. Read about 2004’s membership drive and SSPFA’s promotion in Western Grocer magazine. File size: 60 KB.
Volume 3, Issue 8. 2004 Seattle Trade Mission report by SSFPA Director Nelson Barsi. File size: 75 KB.
Volume 3, Issue 8. 2004 Seattle Trade Mission report by SSFPA Director Nelson Barsi. File size: 75 KB.
Volume 3, Issue 9. Launch of the Local Flavours Products and Services Co-operative on November 10, 2004: a pictorial report. File size: 730 KB.
Volume 4, Issue 1. Biographies of Board of Directors members for 2005. 1.9 MB (1,900 KB).
Volume 4, Issue 1.1. A message from the 2005 Board of Directors, along with summaries of their activities and plans. (200 KB).
Volume 4, Issue 2. A heartfelt “thank you” to Sandra Mark, SSFPA’s Founding Executive Director, and Frank Moreland, visionary. (230 KB).
Volume 4, Issue 3. A holiday message (2005) from the SSFPA. (500 KB)
Volume 5, Issue 1. A message from the 2006 Board of Directors. (85 KB)
[Note: Not all the links to documents in our archived files may be currently active. If there is a document you cannot gain access to, please contact us.]